Your Selection
Your First Name (required)
Your Last Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Phone Number (required)
Optional Phone Number
Turkish Delight (Select from Drop-Down list)
—Please choose an option—Rose & Lemon - $9.99Raspberry - $9.99Strawberry - $9.99Assorted Mix - $9.99No thanks
Rogers Chocolates (Select from Drop-Down list)
—Please choose an option—Truffle Sleeve - $10.998 pc Classic Sampler - $16.9917 pc Assorted Truffles - $24.99Deluxe Assortment - $26.99No thanks
Stuffed Animals (Select from Drop-Down list)
—Please choose an option—Medium - $39.99X-Large - $92.99No thanks
CREDIT Card Number (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX)
CVD Code
Paying by eTransfer? We will email you the total price (incl. delivery and taxes).Yes
Note: The item price, naturally, does not include the delivery fee or applicable taxes. Deliveries are typically completed between 9am and 6pm Monday through Saturday. Please let us know if you require delivery outside of these hours, or if you require delivery within a narrower window of time, or if you want expedited (“rush”) delivery. Naturally such requests cannot always be accommodated; however we will make every effort to do so and will advise what the additional cost will be for this service. Also, in the event that any specific component of your selected item is unavailable, we will substitute comparable flowers/greens,/filler of maximum value.
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Address (required)
City (required)
Phone (required)
Delivery Date
Enclosure Card Message - 150 character maximum (required)
We always attempt to ensure that someone will be at the Recipient Address to receive delivery. Whenever possible we will, at least, leave a message that a delivery is soon to be made. If you would like to add any special instructions, or if you have any questions, call us at either of the numbers below
Local Phone: 604-FLOWERS (356-9377) or Toll-Free: 1-800-596-8778